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Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions



                      CLASS :-  7 

            SUBJECT :- SCIENCE


Question 1.
Why do organisms need to take food?
Food is needed by all living organisms for the following purposes :

1.    It is meant for the general growth and development of an organism. If it is not an insufficient amount, then it shows insufficient growth and development, along with hunger signs.

2.    It is meant to provide energy. We need energy for movements such as running, walking, or raising our arms.

3.    It is also needed by living beings for repairing of their damaged parts.

4.    It gives us resistance against diseases and protects us from infections.

Question 2.
Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.



   (i) Parasite derives nutrients from living organisms.


They derive nutrients from dead and decaying organisms

(ii) Parasites mostly live on or in the host

They live on dead and decaying stuff.


Question 3.
How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?

1.    Take two healthy green potted plants of the same kind in order to remove all the starch from the leaves.

2.     Keep one in the darkroom (or in a black box) for 72 hours and the other in the sunlight.

3.     Now, take one leaf from each of the plants.

4.    Put few drops of iodine solution on each of the leaves.

5.     The leaf kept in the sunlight will turn blue-black due to the presence of starch.

6.    The leaf kept in the dark will not turn blue-black because of the absence of starch.

Question 4.
Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants.
In green plants, the synthesis of food occurs by a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll-containing cells of the leaves, use carbon dioxide and water to synthesis carbohydrates in the presence of sunlight. The process can be represented by an equation.

During this process, oxygen is released. The carbohydrates formed ultimately get converted into starch. The presence of starch in leaves indicates the occurrence of photosynthesis. Starch is also a carbohydrate.

Question 5.
Show with the help of a sketch that the plants are the ultimate source of food.

Question 6.
Fill in the blanks:

1.    Green plants are called ………………. since they synthesize their own food.

2.    The food synthesized by the plants is stored as ……………….

3.    In photosynthesis, solar energy is captured by the pigment called ……………….

4.    During photosynthesis plants take in ………………. and release.


1.    autotrophs

2.    starch

3.    chlorophyll

4.    carbon dioxide, oxygen.

Question 7.
Name the following:

1.     A parasitic plant with a yellow, slender, and tubular stem.

2.     A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.

3.    The pores through which leaves exchange gases.


1.    Cuscuta

2.     Pitcher plant

3.     Stomata.

Question 8.
Tick the correct answer:
(a) Amarbel is an example of :

1.     autotroph                          2.    parasite

3.     saprotroph                       4.     host

(b) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is :

1.     Cuscuta                              2.     china rose

3.     pitcher plant                      4.     rose

(a)-2 parasite
(b)-3 pitcher plant

Question 9.
Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II :


COLUMN       :- I

COLUMN     :-       II






Pitcher plant









COLUMN  : -  I











Pitcher plant



Question 10.
Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false :

1.     Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. (T/F)

2.     Plants which synthesise their food themselves are called saprotrophs. (T/F)

3.    The product of photosynthesis is not a protein. (T/F)

4.     Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. (T/F)


1.     F

2.     F

3.     T

4.     T

Question 11.
Choose the correct option from the following :
Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

1.    Root hair

2.    Stomata

3.    Leaf veins

4.    Sepals

2. Stomata

Question 12.
Choose the correct option from the following:
Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:

1.    roots

2.    stem

3.    flowers

4.    leaves

4. leaves

Class 7 Science

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes (NCERT Solutions)


1 Classify the changes involved in the following processes as physical or chemical changes:

(a) Photosynthesis  

Answer-chemical changes

(b) Dissolving sugar in water

Answer Physical change

 (c) Burning of coal

Answer chemical changes

(d) Melting of wax

Answer Physical change

(e) Beating aluminum to make aluminum foil

Answer Physical change

(f ) Digestion of food

Answer chemical changes

2. State whether the following statements are true or false. In case a statement is false, write the corrected statement in your notebook.

(a) Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a chemical change. (True/False)

 Answer  false

(b) Formation of manure from leaves is a physical change. (True/False)


Answer :- false

(c) Iron pipes coated with zinc do not get rusted easily. (True/False)  

Answer :- true

(d) Iron and rust are the same substances. (True/False)

Answer:- false

(e) Condensation of steam is not a chemical change. (True/False)

Answer :- true

3 Fill in the blanks in the following statements:

(a) When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns milky due to the formation of ……calcium carbonate(CaCO3)….

. (b) The chemical name of baking soda is ...........Sodium hydrogen carbonat

(c) Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented are  ………….painting ……. and ……….galvanisation…………

(d) Changes in which only __.....physical……_____ properties of a substance change are called physical changes.

 (e) Changes in which new substances are formed are called _...chemical……__ changes.

4. When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with the evolution of a gas. What type of change is it? Explain.

Answer :- When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with the evolution of carbon di oxide (CO2)gas. This is chemical change .

Lemon juice + baking soda  → chemical substance + carbon di oxide

 5. When a candle burns, both physical and chemical changes take place. Identify these changes. Give another example of a familiar process in which both the chemical and physical changes take place.

Answer : -When a candle burns, both physical and chemical changes occur:
(i) Physical change: melting  and  vapourisation of melted wax.
(ii) Chemical change: Burning of vapours of wax to give a carbon dioxide

LPG is another example in which physical change occurs

when LPG comes out of cylinderin the form of liquid at high pressure and low temperature and when it used its converted from liquid to gaseous state and a chemical change occurs when gas burns in air with formation of carbon di oxide and water

6. How would you show that setting of curd is a chemical change?

Answer :- We can say that setting of curd (sour in test) from milk (sweet in test) is a chemical change because we can not get the original substance, i.e., milk  (sweet in test )back and a new substance is formed with different taste, smell and other chemical properties

 7. Explain why burning of wood and cutting it into small pieces are considered as two different types of changes

Answer :- Burning of wood in the presence of air is a chemical change because in burning new substances are formed as
Wood + Oxygen ———–>  Carbon dioxide + energy
But cutting it into small pieces is physical change because no new substance is formed. We can only reduce the size of wood.

. 8. Describe how crystals of copper sulphate are prepared.

Take a water(H2O) in a beaker and add some drops of dilute sulphuric acid  (dil.H2SO4) and Heat the Solution . When it starts boiling, add copper sulphate(CuSO4) powder slowly. Continue to add copper sulphate (CuSO4) powder till no more powder can be dissolved. .During this process continuously stir the solution. After filtration Leave it for cooling. Look it after some time, you can see the blue colour crystals of copper sulphate  (image with courtesy )

9. Explain how painting of an iron gate prevents it from rusting.

Rusting of iron is a chemical process in the presence of air and moisture . Painting stop rusting process because  the iron gate from coming in contact with oxygen and moisture.

10. Explain why rusting of iron objects is faster in coastal areas than in deserts.

In  the coastal area  moisture always in the air higher than in the air in deserts. So, the process of rusting is faster in coastal areas because air and moisture both responsible for rusting process .


11. The gas we use in the kitchen is called liquified petroleum gas (LPG). In the cylinder it exist as a liquid. When it comes out from the cylinder it becomes a gas (Change – A) then it burns (Change – B). The following statements pertain to these changes. Choose the correct one.

 (i) Process – A is a chemical change.

(ii) Process – B is a chemical change.

(iii) Both processes A and B are chemical changes.

 (iv) None of these processes is a chemical change.

Answer (ii) Process – B is a chemical change.

(Because during burning process new substance formed)

12. Anaerobic bacteria digest animal waste and produce biogas (Change – A). The biogas is then burnt as fuel (Change – B). The following statements pertain to these changes. Choose the correct one.

 (i) Process – A is a chemical change.

 (ii) Process – B is a chemical change.

(iii) Both processes A and B are chemical changes.

(iv) None of these processes is a chemical change

Answer  (iii) Both processes A and B are chemical changes.

(because new substance is formed in both process)