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chapter :- (3)classification of element and periodicity in properties class :-11

                       CLASS IX, X , XI , XII , NEET and JEE

CLASS :- 11

Chapter :- 3
Classification of Element and Periodicity in properties 

Atomic number and modern periodic law 

In 1913 moseley 

young English physicist discovered the relationship between x-ray spectra and the atomic number of the element when high energy electron were focused on target made of the element(heavy metal) under study x-ray were generated , 

he founded that the  frequency of X rays emitted from the element and observe the frequency of the the the prominent x-ray emitted by an element was proportional to the atomic number and not to the atomic weight 

                    According to moseley

                                    ✔v = a(Z-b)

v= frequency  ,  A and B = constant that are the same of all the element

 a plot of ✔v versus atomic number Z give a straight line

 this lead , that Atomic number and not atomic weight is the fundamental property of the element it therefore suggest that atomic number instead of atomic weight should be the basis of classification of the element the acceptance of atomic number as the important characteristic of an atom lead to the modern periodic law 

The physical and chemical properties of the element are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.

Discovery and nomenclature of elements with atomic number more than 100

 The  discovery of the many new element after uranium these were called transuranium element today we have element up to 118 this element were early name traditional wear the discover our Discover

The discovery new element with very high atomic number are very unstable and only minute quantities are sometime only a few atom of this element are obtain their for scientist before collecting the reliable data on the new element at time try to obtain claim for it is described for example element 104 atomic number  the Americans name it at the rutherfordium (Rf)  while Soviet name it kurchatovium (Ku) the overcome to overcome this problem scientist propose a system of nomenclature Of element , nomenclature of inorganic chemistry  CNIC and IUPAC  in 1997 give the approval official name of the element with atomic number 104 to 109

The nomenclature of new element on the basis of Latin word for atomic number 

 example Nil for 0 and un for 1 , bi for 2 w, tri  for 3

 [as 104= un+nil+quad+ium=unnilquadium] and  so on As given in table


Root name
































And in last added ium

 [as 106       =        un          +          nil     +     hex       +       ium             =     unnilhexium]

The long form of the periodic table 

the long form of the periodic table this is constructed on the basis of repeating electronic configuration of the atom when the element arrange in the order of increasing atomic number long form of the periodic table

 structures feature of the long form of the periodic table

in the long form of the periodic table consists of the horizontal row called period 

and vertical column called group 

In the long form of periodic table total number of period 7 and group 18

Each period represent outermost cell of element means first period show that every element (H ,He) have first outer cell (1s)

second period means each element have second outermost shell(2s,2p) means the period number so that outermost cell of each element which located in their respected period 

(1)   first period means first energy level have only one atomic orbital(1s) and one atomic orbital                only  have 2 electrons(1s1 or  1s2) then in first period have only two element hydrogen and Helium 

(2) in second period means in second outermost cell only have two sub energy level  2S and 2P then total number of 8 element are located in second period (atomic orbital 2s , 2px ,2py , 2pz)

(3)  in third period means third outermost cell have three sub energy level 3s,3p and 3d 

 but  3d energy level more than 4s than third period have only to sub energy level 3S and 3p it means total number 8 element located in third orbital (atomic orbital 3s , 3px, 3py , 3pz)

(4) In the fourth period the total number of electrons is 18 because the 4th period has three subshells 4S 3d and 4p (atomic orbital 4s , 3dxy , 3dyz . 3dzx , 3dx2-y2 and 3dz2 , 4px , 4py, and 4pz)

(5) in 5th period have 18 electron because 5th period have three sub energy level 5S 4D and 5P

(atomic orbital 5s , 4dxy , 4dyz . 4dzx , 4dx2-y2 and 4dz2 , 5px , 5py, and 5pz)

 (6) in sixth period total number of element 32 because in 6th period total number of sub energy level 6s, 4f 5d and 6p

(7) In seventh period have 4 subshell 7s 5f,6d and 7P then total number of element occupied in seventh period 32 but today it is incomplete

Classification of Element in different group

s-Block Elements

In the s-block elements, the last electron enters the S -Orbit. The maximum

capacity of first energy shell is of two electrons, thus, these elements have valence shell configuration of either ns1 or ns2.

The general electronic configuration of s block element nS1 TO nS2

General Characteristics of s-block Elements

1.    S –block element have to group fist (alkali metal ) and second (alkaline

earth metal )

2.   They are soft metals, possess low melting and boiling points,

3.   They have the largest atomic radii in their corresponding periods

4.    They are good conductors of heat and electricity.

5.   They have low values of ionization energies

6.   They are  highly electropositive nature metal .

7.   They are very reactive and readily form ionic compounds

8.    They valency of first group   element +1 (monovalent) while second group show +2 (bivalency).

9.   They are never found in free state in nature due to their reactive nature.

10.they act as strong reducing agents.

11.The alkali and alkaline earth metals cannot be prepared by doing electrolysis of aqueous solutions of their salts.

12.The compounds of s-block elements are predominantly ionic and colourless. However, lithium and beryllium compounds are covalent in nature.

13.They have great affinity for oxygen and halogen (non metal).

14. the compound of s block element as an oxides are basic. The hydroxides are strong alkali.

15.They displace hydrogen from acids (HCl and H2SO4)and form corresponding salts.

    P - Block Elements

The element in which the last electron enter the P-orbits of their outermost energy level are called P- block element the element of group 13 to 18 involving addition of 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 electron respectively in p orbital (p1to p6)and S orbital(s2) are are already fill in there atom constitutes P block

General Characteristics of p-block Elements

(1) They include both metal and non metal there is regular change  from metallic to non metallic character as we move along A period from left to right in this block the metallic character increase as we go down the group


2 Their ionization enthalpy are relatively higher as compared to S block element 

3  They form mostly covalent compound 17 group is also form ionic compound 

4 In this group some of them so more than one Oxidation state in their compound example chlorine so - 1 to    + 7 oxidation number compound (HCl and Cl2O7)

5 The General electronic configuration ns2,np1 to  ns2np6

 6 We move from across the period of this  p-block, oxidizing character increase

7  The element of s and p block are collectively called representative element the element of last group having ns2 and nP6 configuration  are called noble gas all the orbital in the valency cell of the Nobel gases are completely  filled and they have no tendency to loss or gain electron 

8 in this group element the non metallic character increases as we move from left to right across a period and metallic character increases we go down in the group

group 13 to 18

d-Block Elements

The element in which the last electron enter the d orbitals of their last  but  one called penultimate energy level[ (n-1)d] constitute  d- block element .

This block constitute of the element lying Between s and p block starting from 4 period and onwards in this block  total 10 group , from group 3 to 12 

The d orbital which is progressively being  field in the element of this group this element are also called Transition Element because the properties of this element are Midway between those of S block and P block element in a way transition metal from a bridge element the chemical active metal of S block element and the less active element of group 13 and 14 therefore the represent transition at change in behavior and take their family name Transition Element .

Transition Element have free complete row of 10 element a transition series 

(1) first transition series is scandium(z=21) to zinc(Z=30) 

(2)second transition series yttrium (Z=39) to cadmium(Z=48) 4d series

(3) third transition series lanthanum (z=57) , hafnium (z=72) to Mercury(z=80) 5d series

(4) 4th transition series actinium (z=89) rutherfordium (z=104)to copernicium (z=112) 6d series

General Characteristics of d-block Elements

1 the transition  metal having high melting and boiling point 

2  in the transition  metals most of them form colour compound 

3  They have a good tendency to form complex compound 

4   Their compounds are generally paramagnetic they exhibit several Oxidation State most of the Transition Element such as Mn, Nickel platinum and their compound are used as a catalyst

 5 They also form complex colourful iron and 

6 The transition  Element good conductor of heat and electricity

7General electonic configuration nS0 to nS2 and( n-1) d0 to( n-1) d10

                      F-Block Elements

The element in which the last electron enter the f orbital [(n-2)f] of their atom are called f- block element in these element the last electron is added to the third [(n-2)f]of the outermost energy level 

F- block element have two series of element place at the bottom of the periodic table 

(1) first series followed lanthanum  and the element present in the series - cerium to  lutetium are called lanthanoid a lanthanides these are also called a rare earth metal 

(2) 2nd series follow actinium . and the element present in the series Thorium to Lawrence these are called actinoid or  actinides these are of radioactive nature 

the general electronic configuration of F block element may be written (n-2)f1 to (n-2)f14

element include in this two series are called in a Transition Element because they form transition series within the Transition Element of developed general characteristic of F block elements the general characteristic of a block element are first

General Characteristics of F-block Elements

(1)  They are heavy metal

(2) They generally have high melting and boiling point 

(3) The exhibit variable Oxidation state in their respected ions are compound 

(4) They form colour compound or ion 

(5) They have the tendency to form complex compound 

(6) actinoid are radioactive nature 

(7) after uranium are called trans uranium element

Classification of element 

1  Noble Gas :-

the noble gas are found at the end of each period in group 18 except for helium the element have completely filled s and P orbital(ns2np6) of the outermost shell general electronic configuration is Helium(1s2)  , all these element are highly stable and chemical inert 

2 representative element

all the element of s and p block with exception of noble gas are called representative element they represent to group alkali metal and alkaline earth metal on the extremely left and 5 group from 13 to 17 on the right hand side of the periodic table

3 Transition Element

the element of d block elements are called Transition Element these include element of group 3 to 12 line in between the representative element between s and p block 

4 inner Transition

Element the element of a block are called inner Transition Element  in this elements have ,  two series of 14 element called lanthanoid and actinoid

Cause of periodicity :-

the recurrence of similar properties of an atom of the element , after certain regular interval when they are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number is called periodicity

The classification of element in different group and families was depend  upon the electronic configuration and also physical and chemical properties of the atom of the elemnt 

But  why do the similar properties recur at regular interval when all known element arrange in  increasing sequence of atomic number in periodic table

 The physical properties of the element depend upon the atomic mass of the element but chemical behavior of element depend upon number of electrons or atomic number but we know that it the properties of of element do not depend on the arrangement of electron in inner cell the chemical behavior of the element depend on arrangement of electron in the outermost cell are valency cell

For example the electronic configuration of first group are alkali metal show  that the all an atom of the  element of this group have one electron in their respected outer cell and this electrons occupy place in S- orbital and  the general electronic configuration isns1

Li -   1s2 2s1

Na-  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

K  -  1s2 2s2 2p63s2 3p6 4s1

Rb - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p6 5s1

Cs - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s1

Fr  -1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14   .       5d10 6p6 7s1 

On the basis of above👆 discussion it is clear that the all atom of the element arrange on the basis of increasing sequence of atomic  number and also we found that after regular interval the similar outer shell electronic configuration is appeared that is the basic cause recur similar properties of element after definite intervals

And also it is observed 17 group halogen 👇family fluorine chlorine bromine iodine and astatine that was number 9 ,17, 35, 53 and 85

The outer shell electronic configuration of each atom of the element have 7 electron two electron in 2s orbital and five electron in p orbital does an electronic configuration of halogen family is ns2 and P5 Then all halogen family member show similar chemical behaviour because they have some outer cell electronic configuration(ns2 and p5)

Halogen family ðŸ‘‡

F  -   1s2 2s2 2p5

Cl -  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

Br  -  1s2 2s2 2p63s2 3p6 4s2 4p5

I -     1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p6 5s2 5p5

At  - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 6p5

The repetition of similar electronic configuration of their atoms in the outermost energy level or valency cell after certain regular interval when atoms of the element are arrange increasing sequence of atomic number 

this is the basic cause why after definite interval The recurrence of similar properties of the element In periodic table.

Atomic radius

Atomic radius means the distance from the centre of the nucleus to the electrons of outermost shell are valency shell

 the size of the atom very small 1.2 X 10 - 10 m

 according to atomic orbital concept the probability of finding electrons is never zero even at large distance from the nucleus

 generally isolated atom not find out in our nature It exist in the form of

 homo atomic or hetero atomic  molecules form Then the size of atom also changed from one state to another

As H-H , H-Cl  , H-O-H

 in covalent molecules Internuclear distance two time (twice) from the radius of an atom that

is now as covalent radius

Covalent radius

 one half of the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atom of the same element in molecules

Homoatomic  nuclear molecules

                                     Internuclear distance Between two bonded atom

  covalent radius    =     ……………………………………………………….


internuclear distance between two hydrogen atom in hydrogen molecules 74 pm then atomic radius of hydrogen 37 pm

 internuclear distance two chlorine  atom in chlorine molecules 198 pm then covalent radius of  chlorine 99 pm

Covalent radius for heteronuclear molecules define as

In the  heteronuclear molecules the distance between the centre of nucleus of the Two bonded an atom and the mean position of the shared pair of electron between the bonded atoms 

H-Cl heteroatomic molecules 

Metallic radius

 in metallic lattice  of metal the metallic atom closely packed and held together why metallic Bond

 one half of the internuclear distance between the the two metallic Bond bonded  neighbouring atoms of a metal in a metallic lattice

Example Internuclear distance between two atom in copper metallic lattice  256 pm therefore radius metallic of copper 128 pm

However l you are always remember that atomic or metallic radius,  shorter than the atomic radii of atom in the uncombined form

Van Der waals  radius

In the solid state One half of the internuclear distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atom of the molecular  substance belonging to the two neighbouring molecules 

The internet distance between two adjacent chlorine atom in the solid state 360 pm therefore Van Der waals  radius but 180 pm

 the covalent radius of chlorine 99 pm and Wonderwall radius 180 pm it means Van Der waals  radius always greater than covalent radius

Ionic radius

The ions for ejection of electron and acquire positive charge are called Cations while ion form by accept of electron get negative charge are called a Anions

 the effective distance from the centre of the nucleus of the ion  up to which it has an influence in the ionic bond

 in ionic compound

 internuclear distance =  radius of cations +  radius of anion

 example the inter nucleoid distance of sodium chloride 276 pm which corresponding to the sum of the ionic radii of sodium and chloride ions 

(1)The radius of positive ions that time is always is smaller than that of the parent atom

The sodium cations Ionic radius 95 pm and sodium atom atomic radii 186 pm it means When sodium atom loss of one electrons and change into sodium cations then outer third shell of sodium atom disappear in sodium ions this is the cause why sodium cation smile size compare to sodium atom

Na                              →       Na+         +      e-

1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1                          1s2,2s2,2p6,   

186 pm                                                           95 pm

(2)The Negative Ion is always larger than that of the corresponding atom

 the Negative Ion is form When atom accept one or more Electron

an Chlorine atom accept of one electron and form chloride ion 

The Chloride ion radius 181 pm but chlorine  atomic radius 99 pm

       Cl                 +      e-                  →       Cl-         1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p5                                                                            1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6 

99 pm                                                                  181pm

 the Ionic radius of chlorine more than to chlorine atoms because when new electrons enter in their respected outer cell the inter electronic repulsion between electron - electrons increases and electrons disperse enlarge volume And also effective nuclear charge per an electron is reduced and the electrons cloud is held less tightly by the nucleus.

Verizon of atomic and ionic radii in the periodic table

variation in a period

 the atomic radius on moving left to right in period gradually decrease because interaction between effective nuclear charge and electron increase















The atomic radius in period continuously decrease 

But oxygen atomic radius more than to nitrogen because in case of oxygen(1s2,2s2,2px2py1pz1) the outer 2p subshell electronic configuration is responsible for electronic repulsion between electron and electron  ,  electrons disperse enlarge volume because last electrons paired of 2P subshell electron  and in nitrogen(1s2,2s2,2px1py1pz1) 2P subshell filled in unpaired form and electronic repulsion minimum

Variation  in a group

On moving up to bottom in a group atomic radius are Ionic radius gradually increase because always Valence Electrons enter new energy level

Alkali metals

Atomic radii

Outer electronic configuration
















Ionization enthalpy 👇

The energy required to removal an electron from outer cell are valency cell of isolated gaseous atom in its ground state 

Ionization enthalpy is also known as ionization potential

 the ionization enthalpies Express in unit of kilojoule per mole electron volt per atom  or kilocalorie per mole


Na   Na +   + e-    △H = +495.8 KJ/mol

Successive ionization enthalpy

The energy required to remove subsequent electron from outer shell or valence shell of an atom in the gaseous state are known as successive ionization enthalpy

 the energy required for removal of first electron is called first ionization enthalpy after that the energy required removal of second electron from monovalent cations is called second ionization enthalpy and the removal of third electron from outer cell or valence shell from bi valent cations is called third ionization enthalpy


  1.   The successive ionization enthalpy of magnesium

Mg    →     Mg++   +    2e-

(1)   1st ionization energy, 737.7 kJmol−1

Mg   → Mg+   +    e-  △iH = +737.7  KJ/mol

First ionization enthalpy is the enthalpy change when most losely bonded electron is removed from valency our outer shell of of an isolated gaseous atom and first ionization enthalpy always less than 2 or   third ionization enthalpy 

(2)    2nd ionization energy, 1450.7kJmol−1;

Mg+      → Mg++   +    e-    △iH = + 1450.7  KJ/mol

Second ionization enthalpy as the energy required to removal of  second-most loosely bonded electron from monovalent cations of the element

 The second ionization enthalpy always greater than to first ionization enthalpy because after removal of one electron from valency shell atom can be changed monovalent cations , in Monovalent cations the attractions between outer shell electrons and nucleus increases compared to neutral gaseous atom because in outer shell after removal of one electrons , number of electron decrease but  effective nuclear charge always constant then attractions between electrons of monovalent cations and nucleus increase then required energy removal of second  electrons always more than two first ionization enthalpy 

   IE2    >    IE1

2nd ionization energy,            1st ionization energy, 

Of Mg 1450.7kJmol−1       >          of Mg 737.7 kJmol−1

  1.  The successive ionization enthalpy of aluminium 

Al   → Al+++   +    3e-

(1)   1st ionization energy, 577 kJmol−1

          Al   → Al+   +    e-   △iH = +577 KJ/mol

(2)    2nd ionization energy, 1820 kJmol−1;

Al+      → Al++   +    e-  △iH = +1820 KJ/mol

(3)   3rd ionization energy, 2740 kJmol−1

Al++   → Al+++   +    3e-   △iH = +2740 KJ/mol

Factor affecting of ionization enthalpy

(i) size of the atom

 Enthalpy decrease with increase in size of an atom because the attractions force would been valency cell electron and in nucleus effective charge decrease as a result it becomes easier to removal of the electron from outer are valency celli

(ii) charge on the nucleus

 increase with increase in nuclear charge because the treacherous force the attractions force increase between electron and nucleus when nuclear charge increases the removal of of an electron from isolated atom is difficult task

 screening effect of the inner electrons

 the The inner electrons always protect outer are valence shell electrons from attractions of nucleus , the protection of outer electrons from attractions of nucleus by the inner electrons is called screening effect or shielding effect 

As a result of this outermost electrons does not feel full attraction force from the nucleus that actual  attractions felt by an electrons is term  as effective nuclear charge 

(iii) Penetration  effect  of  electrons

The S atomic orbital small in a size then the  Penetration  effect is highest compared to p d & f atomic orbital

 S- atomic orbital penetrate more than p d & f atomic orbital and come to close of nucleus then the required energy for removal of electrons is always more than      p - orbital,  p-atomic orbital  Penetration  effect more than to d-orbital the required energy removal of p-  electrons from p-atomic orbital always more than to   d- atomic orbital 

(iv) Electronic arrangement

 it has been observed  in periodic table that certain  electronic configuration of an atom of the element are more stable than other for example half filled are complete field shell have extra stability associated with them

(according atomic orbital stability S1& s2 ,  p3& p6,   d5&  d10,  f7& f14)

(1)The noble gas have the most stable electronic configuration ns2 and P6 in each period then the ionization enthalpy highest in in their respected period

(2) the second group are alkaline earth metal have stable outer electronic configuration ns2 then ionization enthalpy is also a large

(3) Nitrogen (1s2 ,2s2 2p3) phosphorus (1s2 ,2s2 2p6,3s2  3p3) atoms of the element have stable outer electronic configuration ns2 and np3 then the required large energy to removal of the electrons

The reason of ionization enthalpy in the periodic table

Verizon along A period👇

In general form the ionization enthalpy increase with increas eatomic number in a period because atomic size decrease and attractions Between outer shell electrons and nucleus increase because gradually one by one Proton inter in nucleus

Ionization enthalpy of 2period element










Ionization enthalpy→









But some irregularities  find out when on moving across a period from left to right 

As ðŸ‘‡

Boron   (13 group ) ionization enthalpy +801 KJ/mol and beralium (2 group )first ionization enthalpy +899.5 KJ/mol it is less than to beralium  first ionization enthalpy    because in  beralium  (1s2 ,2s2 )  stable electronic configuration  compare to boron  (1s2 ,2s2 2p1) atoms of the element

 nitrogen (15 group ) ionization enthalpy +1402.1 KJ/mol and oxygen (16 group ) first ionization enthalpy +1314 KJ/mol it is less than to nitrogen first ionization enthalpy    because in  Nitrogen (1s2 ,2s2 2p3)  stable electronic configuration  compare to oxygen (1s2 ,2s2 2p4) atoms of the element

Variation  down a group👇

On moving  down a group the ionization enthalpy decrease because gradually outer shell number increase means atom size increase then the attraction  between outer shell electrons and nucleus decrease 

Li  △iH = +520  KJ/mol

Na △iH = +496  KJ/mol

K △iH = +419  KJ/mol

Rb △iH = +403  KJ/mol

Cs △iH = +374  KJ/mol

Electron gain enthalpy 👇

the energy released when extra electrons inter in in outermost cell of an

isolated gaseous atom the energy is called electron gain enthalpy and atom

change in Anion   

As   x    +      e-         x-         △egH =   ……   KJ/mol 

  The energy released when electron is added to an isolated gaseous atom

Electron gain enthalpy process may be exothermic or endothermic


(I) Electron gain enthalpy is exothermic process

F    + e-→   F- △egH =   -327.9  KJ/mol 

O    + e-→   O- △egH =   --140.9  KJ/mol

(II) Electron gain enthalpy sometime Endothermic process


O-    + e-→   O- - △egH =   +780  KJ/mol

Successive electron gain enthalpy 👇

 like ionization enthalpy the second and third electron gain enthalpy

are also possible

 when extra electron inter in outer Shell or valence shell, 

the electrons which already exist in outer shell always repel 

incoming electrons then due to electron  - electron repulsion 

some energy always release It is called first electron get enthalpy

and this value 

△egH =   - KJ/mol ( or  exothermic process )


(1) oxygen first electron gain enthalpy ðŸ‘‡

 O    + e-→   O- △egH =   --140.9  KJ/mol

(2) oxygen Second  electron gain enthalpy :- 👇

The second electron gain enthalpy of oxygen positive or endothermic process

Because after addition of one electron oxygen change in

oxygen Monovalent anion,  after that when one another electrons

enter in oxygen monovalent anions, The magnitude of electron - electron

Repulsion very high then extra force are extra energy required for

second electron which enter in monovalent anion 

O-    + e-→   O- - △egH =   +780  KJ/mol

Therefore second electron gain enthalpy endothermic process and

first electron gain enthalpy exothermic process

Factor affecting of electron gain enthalpy👇

 (i) Nuclear charge 

Negative value of electron gain enthalpy depend on attractions between

incoming electrons and nuclear charge if nuclear charge more 

than electron gain enthalpy have large value

(ii)Size of the atom

 Electron gain enthalpy depend on attractions between incoming

electrons and nucleus,  if size of the atom small then attractions between

electrons and nucleus is higher  means electron gain enthalpy have

large value

(iii) Electronic configuration

17 group ( halogen family ) member have higher  electron gain enthalpy

in their respect period because  they have ns2 and P5 electronic configuration

only one  electrons required for complete of their octet 

 1 group (alkali metal) have smaller electron gain enthalpy because the have

general electronic configuration ns1 they have tendency to release or 

lose  of one electrons instead of gain of electron 

Periodic trends of electron gain enthalpy 👇

 variation in A period 👇

 On moving in period left to right generally electrons gain enthalpy increase

because Atomic size decreases and attraction between electrons and nucleus

increases Then incoming electrons felt more attraction towards the side of the











Electron gain enthalpy










variation down a group 👇

 On moving down a group the size and nuclear charge increase but the effect of

increase in atomic size it's much more compared to nuclear charge.

Then incoming electrons feel less attractions by the nucleus in large size atoms

then electron gain enthalpy decreases .

S. NO.

16 Group

Electron gain enthalpy KJ/mol

17 Group

Electron gain enthalpy KJ/mol





















Some important point (variation) 👇Halogen have the highest negative electron gain enthalpy :- 17 group        

( halogen family ) member have higher  electron gain enthalpy in their

respect period because  they have ns2 and P5 electronic configuration. only one  electrons required for complete of their octet.

Electron gain enthalpy of noble gas are positive :- 18 group (noble gas or real gas or  inert gas ) have completed octet of their valency or  outer shell.

No need of of extra electrons because octet complete. if any additional

electrons inter in any noble gas definitely it occupy place in new outer valency cell and it feel less attraction by the nucleus this is the cause why electron gain enthalpy of noble gas have positive value.

Beryllium magnesium of  alkaline earth metal and nitrogen Phosphorus of of 15 group have zero electron gain enthalpy :-

Electron gain enthalpy of beryllium (2s2) and magnesium (3s2) almost is

zero because they have stable ns2 electronic configuration.

 electron gain enthalpy of of Nitrogen (2s 2 2p3)  and phosphorus 

( 3s 2 3p3 )almost is zero because they have stable ns 2 np3 electron


Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine (−333kJ/mol)is unexpectedly less negative than that of chlorine (−349kJ/mol)

it is observed that fluorine  atom has unexpected less negative electron

gain enthalpy than chlorine atom because fluorine atom very small in size

therefore incoming electrons feel much more inter electronic repulsion

in the relative compact 2P subshell of fluorine atom  but in the case

of chlorine outer shell third Then incoming electron not fell

more inter electronic repulsion in the relative large in 3P subshell

And also the attraction  between incoming electrons and the

nucleus is much more in Cl-atom  


F    + e-→   F- △egH =   -333.  KJ/mol 

Cl    + e-→   Cl- △egH =   -349  KJ/mol

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