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Anti Markovnikov’s rule

Anti Markovnikovs rule or  Kharasch effect or  peroxide effect-

The addition of any  polar molecule(HBr) to any  unsymmetrical  alkene (propene) in the presence of benzoyl peroxide takes place against the  Markovnikov’s rule

According  to this rule –

               When any polar molecule is added to any  unsymmetrical alkene in presence of any organic  peroxide, the negative part of molecule is added to that carbon atom which is connected to more Hydrogen atom than the other unsaturated carbon atom which is connected to less Hydrogen atom and positive part attached which carries lesser number hydrogen . this is called Anti -Markovnikov’s rule or Kharasch effect or  peroxide effect

Morris selig kharasch and mayo 1933 explained this process for first time addition of HBr to  unsymmetrical alkene than its called kharasch effect

Mechanism of Anti Markovnikov addition

Anti Markovnikov addition reaction is follow a free radical mechanism.

The peroxide compound involved helps in the generation of free radicals(formation of stable secondary free radical). A general mechanism of anti-Markovnikov addition reaction is discussed below:

  • (A) STEP –I Generation of free radical through homolytic cleavage of peroxide compound.

(B) STEP - II  Attack of generated free radical on Hydrogen Bromide to form Bromide free  radical through homolytic fission 

(C) STEP – III Attack of generated Bromide radical on alkene molecule to form alkyl radical through homolysis

  • (D) STEP –IV Attack of a generated alkyl radical on Hydrogen Bromide to form alkyl halide through homolytic cleavage of Hydrogen Bromide bond.