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      Xenon and its compound (with oxygen and fluorine)

                       Bartlett’s  Experiment with Xenon

A few chemists questioned the absolute inertness of the noble gases. Among those scientists were Walter Kossel in 1916 and Nobel-prize winning chemist Linus Pauling in 1933. They predicted that highly reactive atoms such as fluorine might form compounds with xenon, the heaviest of the noble elements and whose electrons, they observed, were not as tightly bound as those of the lighter gases.

In 1961 Neil Bartlett was teaching chemistry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Some years earlier, while experimenting with fluorine and platinum, he had accidentally produced a deep-red solid whose exact chemical composition remained a mystery. With the assistance of his graduate student Derek Lohmann, he vigorously pursued the identity of the red solid. After much research, they eventually found that the known gaseous fluoride, platinum hexafluoride (PtF6), was able to oxidize oxygen and produce the red solid, which he and Lohmann had identified as O2+PtF6-

first published report, in June 1962, of a noble gas compound was by Neil Bartlett, who noticed that the highly oxidising compound platinum hexafluoride ionised O2 to O+ As the ionisation energy of O2 to O+ 2 (1165 kJ mol−1) is nearly equal to the ionisation energy of Xe to Xe+ (1170 kJ mol−1), he tried the reaction of Xe with PtF6. This yielded a crystalline product, xenon hexafluoroplatinate, whose formula was proposed to be Xe+[PtF6]

 It was later shown that the compound is actually more complex, containing both XeFPtF5 and XeFPt2F11 Nonetheless, this was the first real compound of any noble gas.

What was most unusual about this compound was that it contained oxygen in the form of positively charged ions, although oxygen usually has a net negative charge. Oxygen normally pulls electrons from other atoms and is thus called an oxidizing agent or oxidant. But Bartlett believed that in this case, the PtF6 component was a more powerful oxidizing agent than even oxygen and was extracting electrons from oxygen, leaving oxygen with a net positive charge

Xenon difluoride is a powerful fluorinating agent with the chemical formula XeF2Xenon tetrafluoride is a XeF4Xenon hexafluoride is a noble gas compound with the formula XeF6. All known are exergonic and stable at normal temperatures. XeF6 is the strongest fluorinating agent of the series. It is a colorless solid that readily sublimes into intensely yellow vapors.

Xenon-oxygen compounds
Xenon tetroxide is XeO4,Xenon formXeO3 is a colourless explosive solid.
XeOF4 is a colourless volatile liquid & some important compounds with oxygen like XeO3, XeOF4 XeO2F2

Geometry of xenon compound  ðŸ‘‡ detail description


       TOPIC  :- INERT GAS    CLASS :- 12

1. . Assertion : xenon di fluoride linear geometry molecules of xenon.
 Reason : XeF2 have two lone pair & two bonding electron pair due to sp3d hybridisation.

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion "

2. xenon tatra fluoride octahedral shaped . 

Reason : in xenon tatrafluoride , xenon sp3d2 hybrid state its have two lone pair of electron

... Answer is V)
(v) Assertion is false but reason is true".

 3. Assertion : xenon hexa fluoride octahedral shape molecule of xenon . 
Reason : in xenon hexa fluoride ,xenon sp3d3 hybride state its have one lone pair of electron . :

... Answer is V)
. (v) Assertion is false but reason is true.".

4. Assertion :xenon tri oxide pyramidal shape molecule of xenon . 

Reason : in xenon tri oxide xenon sp3 hybride state and its have one lone pair of electron . :

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion ".

5. Assertion : xenon tetra oxide tetrahedral shape molecule of xenon .
 Reason : in xenon tetra oxide xenon sp3 hybrid state and its have one lone pair of electron.

... Answer is iii)
(iii) Assertion is true but the reason is false".

6. Assertion : xenon oxydifluoride have T shaped .
 Reason : in xenon oxy di fluoride , xenon sp3d hybrid state and two lone pair electron occupied equatorial position .

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion ".

7. Assertion : xenon dioxy difluoride have seesaw shaped .
 Reason : in xenon oxy di fluoride xenon sp3d hybrid state and one lone pair electron occupied equatorial position.

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion".

8. Assertion : xenon oxy tetra fluoride have distorted ocatedral shaped. 
Reason : In xenon oxy tetra fluoride, xenon sp3d2 hybrid state and its have one lone paired electron .

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.".

9. Assertion : :- What inspired N bertlett for carrying out reaction between Xe and PtF6 .
 Reason : N Bartlett noticed that PtF6 srong oxidizing agent which react O2 to form dioxygenyl hexafluoro platinate(v) but O2 molecules first ionization enthalpy more than xenon .

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion .".

10. Assertion : Xenon is called a stranger gas .
 Reason : xenon name derived from the Greek word “Xenos” which translates to 'stranger' .

... Answer is i)
(i) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion".
