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CLASS :- 11 SUBJECT :- CHEMISTRY Chapter :- 4 Chemical bonding Topic :- Bond length Bond angle Bond enthalpy and Bond order


CLASS :- 11

Chapter :- 4
Chemical bonding and Molecular Structure 

Topic :- Bond length Bond angle Bond enthalpy and  Bond       .                                                                                      order

Bond length

In molecular geometry, bond length or bond distance is defined as the average distance between nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule

 the size of the atom very small 1.2 X 10 - 10 m

 generally isolated atom not find out in our nature It exist in the form of

 homo atomic or hetero atomic  molecules form Then the size of atom also changed from one

state to another

As H-H , H-Cl  , H-O-H

 in covalent molecules Internuclear distance two time (twice) from the radius of an atom that

is now as covalent radius


internuclear distance between two hydrogen atom in hydrogen molecules 74 pm

 internuclear distance two chlorine  atom in chlorine molecules 198 pm

In the  heteronuclear molecules the distance between the centre of nucleus of the Two bonded an atom

H-Cl heteroatomic molecules 127 pm

in ionic compound

 internuclear distance =  radius of cations +  radius of anion

 example the inter nucleoid distance of sodium chloride 276 pm which corresponding to the sum of

the ionic radii of sodium and chloride ions 

 factor affecting of Bond length

 1:- multiple Bond in covalent molecules:-The higher the bond order, the stronger the pull of electrons  between the two atoms of nuclei  and the shorter the bond length. Generally, the length of the bond between two atoms is approximately the sum of the covalent radii of the two atoms.

C- C  154 pm

C=C 134 pm

C≡C 120 pm

2:- size of the atom

As the size of the atom changes the bond length also changes. As the size of the atom increases the bond length also increases because the bond is joined from the center of the atom. And as the size of the atom decreases the bond length also decreases.

C - C  くSi - Si  く Ge - Ge

  Bond angle

The bond angle is defined as the average angle between the orbitals containing bonding electron pairs around the central atom within a molecule.

 It is measured in degree or minute or second. ... The bond angle depends upon the number of lone pairs of electrons , size and electronegativity of the central atom and also size of surrounding atoms.

For Example 

in  Methane molecules Bond angle between H-C-H 109.5 degree

The Bond angle in water molecules 104.5 degree

 the word angle in Ammonia molecules 107 degree 

Bond enthalpy

Bond enthalpy is defined as the amount of energy required to break one mole of a bond of one type, present between two atoms in a gaseous state.

bond energy (BE), also called the · mean bond enthalpy or · average bond enthalpy is the measure of · bond strength in a chemical bond

The bond dissociation enthalpy Express in the term of closure permit kilo joule per mole

bond dissociation enthalpy 

hydrogen molecules :-

the bond dissociation enthalpy of hydrogen hydrogen bond in hydrogen molecule is 435.8 closure per Mall

H2 →  H+  H   ΔH =  435.8 KJ/mol

chlorine molecules

  chlorine molecules is 242.5kj per mole 

Cl2   →  Cl  +  Cl    ΔH = 242.5

 hydrogen iodide bond  dissociation enthalpy 298.3 kj per mole

HI   →  H  +  I    ΔH = 298.3 kj/mol

 the bond dissociation enthalpy of double bond in oxygen molecules 498.0 kilo joule per mole

O=O   →  O  +  O    ΔH = 498.0 kj/mol

 the bond dissociation enthalpy of triple Bond in nitrogen molecules 946.0 kj /mol

N ≡ N   →  N  +  N    ΔH = 946.0 kj/mol

 on the basis of the above what dissociation enthalpy , the bond dissociation enthalpy larger if the bond between the atom is stronger 

factor affecting of bond dissociation enthalpy

1:- size of the bonded atom

Greater the size of the atom,larger is the bond length then low bond dissociation energy

For example

hydrogen molecules :-

the bond dissociation enthalpy of hydrogen hydrogen bond in hydrogen molecule is 435.8 closure per Mall

H2 →  H+  H   ΔH =  435.8 KJ/mol

chlorine molecules

chlorine molecules is 242.5kj per mole 

Cl2   →  Cl  +  Cl    ΔH = 242.5

2 :- Bond length 

Greater is the multiplicity of the bond and shorte bond length , greater is the bond dissociation enthalpy. 

the bond dissociation enthalpy of double bond in oxygen molecules 498.0 kilo joule per mole

O=O   →  O  +  O    ΔH = 498.0 kj/mol

 the bond dissociation enthalpy of triple Bond in nitrogen molecules 946.0 kj /mol

N ≡ N   →  N  +  N    ΔH = 946.0 kj/mol

 average Bond enthalpy( bond dissociation enthalpy of polyatomic molecules)

The bond dissociation enthalpy is applies to diatomic molecules where as mean or average bond energy is applies to poly atomic molecules.

 The average of the bond dissociation enthalpy is called average Bond enthalpy

 In water molecules the bond dissociation enthalpy total

502 (H-O-H  → H + OH) and   427 (OH   → O  +  H) kilo joule per mole   (TOTAL 502 + 427 =929 )the average bond dissociation enthalpy is 464. 5 kj /mol

 It is obtained by dividing total bond dissociation enthalpy by the number of bonds broken.

  Bond order

Bond order is the number of bonding pairs of electrons between two atoms. In a covalent bond between two atoms,

Bond order is the number of chemical bonds between a pair of atoms; in diatomic nitrogen (N≡N) for example, the bond order is 3

H  - H       Single bonds have a bond order of 1.

O = O      Double bonds have a bond order of 2.

N ≡ N      Triple bonds have a bond order of 3.