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CLASS :- 11 SUBJECT :- CHEMISTRY Chapter :- 4 Chemical bonding and Molecular Structure Topic :- Formal Charge


CLASS :- 11

Chapter :- 4
Chemical bonding and Molecular Structure 

Topic :- Formal Charge

Formal Charge 
The formal charge of an atom which polyatomic molecules are ions is defined as

 The difference between the number of valence electron in an isolated atom and the number of of electron assign (lone pair electron and sharing electron) to that in a Lewis structures of of polyatomic Ions are molecules

 Formal charge of an atom in levers structures of molecules are are polyatomic ions 

=  total number of valence electron in isolated atom -  total number of non bonding                         .                                                 lone pair of  electrons - ½  total number of bonding electrons


F C = V - L - ½ S

V= is the number of valence electrons of the neutral atom in isolation (in its ground state)

 L = is the number of nonbonding (Lone pair of electrons) valence electrons on this atom in the molecule; and

 S = is the total number of electrons shared in bonds with other atoms in the molecule. 


If the atom has more electron in the given molecules or ion then in the free state of atom,  then it is carry negative formal charge on the other hand, if the atom has less electron in the molecules then in the neutral atom, then it is carry  positive formal charge and  the atom has  no more or less electron in the molecules then in the free state of atom,  then it is carry neutral  charge 

Let us  considered Ozone molecules

 The Central oxygen atom Marked 1
FC = V-L-½ S
      = 6-2-½ (6) = + 1
The End  oxygen atom Marked 2
FC = V-L-½ S
      = 6-4-½ (4) = 0
The End  oxygen atom Marked 3
FC = V-L-½ S
      = 6-6-½ (2) = -1

Application :-

 The formal charge helps in the selection of highly stable and lowest energy structures from a number of possible Lewis  structures for a given polyatomic molecule or ions.

 the lowest energy and maximum stability structures is the one which has lowest formal charge on the atoms of the the polyatomic ions are molecules