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CLASS :- 11 SUBJECT :- CHEMISTRY Chapter :- 3 Topic :- Ionization Enthalpy


CLASS :- 11

Chapter :- 3
Classification of Element and Periodicity in properties 
Topic :- Ionization Enthalpy   

Ionization enthalpy 👇

The energy required to removal an electron from outer cell are valency cell of isolated gaseous atom in its ground state 

Ionization enthalpy is also known as ionization potential

 the ionization enthalpies Express in unit of kilojoule per mole electron volt per atom  or kilocalorie per mole


Na   Na +   + e-    △H = +495.8 KJ/mol

Successive ionization enthalpy

The energy required to remove subsequent electron from outer shell or valence shell of an atom in the gaseous state are known as successive ionization enthalpy

 the energy required for removal of first electron is called first ionization enthalpy after that the energy required removal of second electron from monovalent cations is called second ionization enthalpy and the removal of third electron from outer cell or valence shell from bi valent cations is called third ionization enthalpy


  1.   The successive ionization enthalpy of magnesium

Mg    →     Mg++   +    2e-

(1)   1st ionization energy, 737.7 kJmol−1

Mg   → Mg+   +    e-  △iH = +737.7  KJ/mol

First ionization enthalpy is the enthalpy change when most losely bonded electron is removed from valency our outer shell of of an isolated gaseous atom and first ionization enthalpy always less than 2 or   third ionization enthalpy 

(2)    2nd ionization energy, 1450.7kJmol−1;

Mg+      → Mg++   +    e-    △iH = + 1450.7  KJ/mol

Second ionization enthalpy as the energy required to removal of  second-most loosely bonded electron from monovalent cations of the element

 The second ionization enthalpy always greater than to first ionization enthalpy because after removal of one electron from valency shell atom can be changed monovalent cations , in Monovalent cations the attractions between outer shell electrons and nucleus increases compared to neutral gaseous atom because in outer shell after removal of one electrons , number of electron decrease but  effective nuclear charge always constant then attractions between electrons of monovalent cations and nucleus increase then required energy removal of second  electrons always more than two first ionization enthalpy 

   IE2    >    IE1

2nd ionization energy,            1st ionization energy, 

Of Mg 1450.7kJmol−1       >          of Mg 737.7 kJmol−1

  1.  The successive ionization enthalpy of aluminium 

Al   → Al+++   +    3e-

(1)   1st ionization energy, 577 kJmol−1

          Al   → Al+   +    e-   △iH = +577 KJ/mol

(2)    2nd ionization energy, 1820 kJmol−1;

Al+      → Al++   +    e-  △iH = +1820 KJ/mol

(3)   3rd ionization energy, 2740 kJmol−1

Al++   → Al+++   +    3e-   △iH = +2740 KJ/mol

Factor affecting of ionization enthalpy

(i) size of the atom

 Enthalpy decrease with increase in size of an atom because the attractions force would been valency cell electron and in nucleus effective charge decrease as a result it becomes easier to removal of the electron from outer are valency celli

(ii) charge on the nucleus

 increase with increase in nuclear charge because the treacherous force the attractions force increase between electron and nucleus when nuclear charge increases the removal of of an electron from isolated atom is difficult task

 screening effect of the inner electrons

 the The inner electrons always protect outer are valence shell electrons from attractions of nucleus , the protection of outer electrons from attractions of nucleus by the inner electrons is called screening effect or shielding effect 

As a result of this outermost electrons does not feel full attraction force from the nucleus that actual  attractions felt by an electrons is term  as effective nuclear charge 

(iii) Penetration  effect  of  electrons

The S atomic orbital small in a size then the  Penetration  effect is highest compared to p d & f atomic orbital

 S- atomic orbital penetrate more than p d & f atomic orbital and come to close of nucleus then the required energy for removal of electrons is always more than      p - orbital,  p-atomic orbital  Penetration  effect more than to d-orbital the required energy removal of p-  electrons from p-atomic orbital always more than to   d- atomic orbital 

(iv) Electronic arrangement

 it has been observed  in periodic table that certain  electronic configuration of an atom of the element are more stable than other for example half filled are complete field shell have extra stability associated with them

(according atomic orbital stability S1& s2 ,  p3& p6,   d5&  d10,  f7& f14)

(1)The noble gas have the most stable electronic configuration ns2 and P6 in each period then the ionization enthalpy highest in in their respected period

(2) the second group are alkaline earth metal have stable outer electronic configuration ns2 then ionization enthalpy is also a large

(3) Nitrogen (1s2 ,2s2 2p3) phosphorus (1s2 ,2s2 2p6,3s2  3p3) atoms of the element have stable outer electronic configuration ns2 and np3 then the required large energy to removal of the electrons

The reason of ionization enthalpy in the periodic table

Verizon along A period👇

In general form the ionization enthalpy increase with increas eatomic number in a period because atomic size decrease and attractions Between outer shell electrons and nucleus increase because gradually one by one Proton inter in nucleus

Ionization enthalpy of 2period element










Ionization enthalpy→









But some irregularities  find out when on moving across a period from left to right 

As ðŸ‘‡

Boron   (13 group ) ionization enthalpy +801 KJ/mol and beralium (2 group )first ionization enthalpy +899.5 KJ/mol it is less than to beralium  first ionization enthalpy    because in  beralium  (1s2 ,2s2 )  stable electronic configuration  compare to boron  (1s2 ,2s2 2p1) atoms of the element

 nitrogen (15 group ) ionization enthalpy +1402.1 KJ/mol and oxygen (16 group ) first ionization enthalpy +1314 KJ/mol it is less than to nitrogen first ionization enthalpy    because in  Nitrogen (1s2 ,2s2 2p3)  stable electronic configuration  compare to oxygen (1s2 ,2s2 2p4) atoms of the element

Variation  down a group👇

On moving  down a group the ionization enthalpy decrease because gradually outer shell number increase means atom size increase then the attraction  between outer shell electrons and nucleus decrease 

Li  △iH = +520  KJ/mol

Na △iH = +496  KJ/mol

K △iH = +419  KJ/mol

Rb △iH = +403  KJ/mol

Cs △iH = +374  KJ/mol