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CLASS :- 11 SUBJECT :- CHEMISTRY Chapter :- 3 Topic :- Atomic size


CLASS :- 11

Chapter :- 3
Classification of Element and Periodicity in properties 
Topic :- Atomic size 

Atomic radius

Atomic radius means the distance from the centre of the nucleus to the electrons of outermost

shell are valency shell

 the size of the atom very small 1.2 X 10 - 10 m

 according to atomic orbital concept the probability of finding electrons is never zero even at

large distance from the nucleus

 generally isolated atom not find out in our nature It exist in the form of

 homo atomic or hetero atomic  molecules form Then the size of atom also changed from one

state to another

As H-H , H-Cl  , H-O-H

 in covalent molecules Internuclear distance two time (twice) from the radius of an atom that

is now as covalent radius

Covalent radius

 one half of the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atom of the same

element in molecules

Homoatomic  nuclear molecules

                                     Internuclear distance Between two bonded atom

  covalent radius    =     ……………………………………………………….


internuclear distance between two hydrogen atom in hydrogen molecules 74 pm

then atomic radius of hydrogen 37 pm

 internuclear distance two chlorine  atom in chlorine molecules 198 pm then

covalent radius of  chlorine 99 pm

Covalent radius for heteronuclear molecules define as

In the  heteronuclear molecules the distance between the centre of nucleus of the Two bonded

an atom and the mean position of the shared pair of electron between the bonded atoms 

H-Cl heteroatomic molecules 

Metallic radius

 in metallic lattice  of metal the metallic atom closely packed and held together why metallic Bond

 one half of the internuclear distance between the the two metallic Bond bonded  neighbouring

atoms of a metal in a metallic lattice

Example Internuclear distance between two atom in copper metallic lattice  256 pm therefore radius

metallic of copper 128 pm

However l you are always remember that atomic or metallic radius,  shorter than the atomic radii of

atom in the uncombined form

Van Der waals  radius

In the solid state One half of the internuclear distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atom of the

molecular  substance belonging to the two neighbouring molecules 

The internet distance between two adjacent chlorine atom in the solid state 360 pm therefore

Van Der waals  radius but 180 pm

 the covalent radius of chlorine 99 pm and Wonderwall radius 180 pm it means Van Der waals 

radius always greater than covalent radius

Ionic radius

The ions for ejection of electron and acquire positive charge are called Cations while ion form by accept

of electron get negative charge are called a Anions

 the effective distance from the centre of the nucleus of the ion  up to which it has an influence in the

ionic bond

 in ionic compound

 internuclear distance =  radius of cations +  radius of anion

 example the inter nucleoid distance of sodium chloride 276 pm which corresponding to the sum of

the ionic radii of sodium and chloride ions 

(1)The radius of positive ions that time is always is smaller than that of the parent atom

The sodium cations Ionic radius 95 pm and sodium atom atomic radii 186 pm it means When sodium atom loss of one electrons and change into sodium cations then outer third

shell of sodium atom disappear in sodium ions this is the cause why sodium cation smile size compare

to sodium atom

Na                              →       Na+         +      e-

1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1                          1s2,2s2,2p6,   

186 pm                                                           95 pm

(2)The Negative Ion is always larger than that of the corresponding atom

 the Negative Ion is form When atom accept one or more Electron

an Chlorine atom accept of one electron and form chloride ion 

The Chloride ion radius 181 pm but chlorine  atomic radius 99 pm

       Cl                 +      e-                  →       Cl-         1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p5                                                                            1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6 

99 pm                                                                  181pm

 the Ionic radius of chlorine more than to chlorine atoms because when new electrons enter in

their respected outer cell the inter electronic repulsion between electron - electrons increases

and electrons disperse enlarge volume And also effective nuclear charge per an electron is

reduced and the electrons cloud is held less tightly by the nucleus.

Verizon of atomic and ionic radii in the periodic table

variation in a period

 the atomic radius on moving left to right in period gradually decrease because

interaction between effective nuclear charge and electron increase















The atomic radius in period continuously decrease 

But oxygen atomic radius more than to nitrogen because in case of oxygen(1s2,2s2,2px2py1pz1) the outer 2p subshell electronic configuration is responsible for electronic repulsion

between electron and electron  ,  electrons disperse enlarge volume because last

electrons paired of 2P subshell electron  and in nitrogen(1s2,2s2,2px1py1pz1) 2P subshell filled in unpaired form and electronic repulsion


Variation  in a group

On moving up to bottom in a group atomic radius are Ionic radius gradually increase because

always Valence Electrons enter new energy level

Alkali metals

Atomic radii

Outer electronic















